Roles on Discord
Team roles
The Emperor: RP role given to one of the three core members of the project and the head of the discord
The Shoguns: Core members of the project
Emperor Advisor: Former Moderators who also have the role of administering the Discord channels
The Daimyos: Moderators
Clan Roles
Angelic-army / Meiyo / Night Stalkers: Associate Clan Members
Faction Leader: Head of the factions organisation
Member Roles
Nobility Court: Role given when you nitro boost the server
Heroes: OG members eligible for the special limited whitelist
Samurai Warrior: OG members eligible for the 1st whitelist
Warrior: Default role
Level Roles : (xp earned by typing messages)
Novice: Reward given to member reaching level 2
Captain: Reward given to member reaching level 10
Major: Reward given to the member reaching level 15
Colonel: Reward given to the member reaching level 20. Special rank, allowing three people to create their own Faction.
Last updated