The Conquest feature
To play Rise of faction you must have at least one Nft from JCorp collections.
Each game lasts 48 hours divided into 2 phases:
Deployment of your NFT/s (24h)
Battle and results (24h)
Deployment of heroes
During the deployment phase each faction sets up a strategy to place their heroes on the different points of interest to attack or defend them. It's all about managing your heroes well to keep and conquer new territories. The faction discord channels will be your places to discuss strategy between faction members. Each faction plays its turn without knowing the movements of the others.
Battle and results
During the battle phase, you don't have access to your Nfts. Battles will take place in the different districts (randomly). A battle lasts 2h. As long as a battle is not finished or has not taken place, you can use the items in your inventory. Don't hesitate to call Shinobi to help you win the battle (the use of Call of Shinobi is renewed at the start of each battle phase). If no heroes have been deployed in a district, the bandits take control of the district and no faction can benefit from the looted resources. The results are displayed after each battle and the map is updated throughout the day. Don't hesitate to adapt your strategy to win. (Additonnals infos in "Tutorial videos" and "Global Rules".)
Last updated