Global Rules
1. Objective
Territory Conquests. The factions compete for Reiwa's territories to take advantage of its resources. Each conquest the factions must use their heroes and bonuses to attack or defend a territory. At the end of the conquest the factions will loot the resources of the conquered territories.
2. Course of the conquests
Each conquest takes place in two phases :
1 - Deployment (details below)
2 - Battle (details below)
As our members are from different time zones, each of these phases will last 24 hours to give everyone the opportunity to play.
3. Deployment of heroes
Managing your heroes well to keep and conquer new territories. The faction discord channels will be your places to discuss strategy between faction members. Each faction plays its turn without knowing the movements of the others.
4. Battle and results
During the battle phase, battles will take place in the different districts (randomly). A battle lasts 2 hours. As long as a battle is not finished or has not taken place, you can use the items in your inventory. Don't hesitate to call Shinobi to help you win the battle (the claim of Call of Shinobi in the Marketplace is renewed at the start of each deployment phase).
Sword icon on an object means that the object can be used in attack.
Shield icon on an object means that the object can be used in defense.
If no heroes or items have been deployed in a district, the bandits take control of the district and no faction can benefit from the looted resources. The results are displayed after each battle and the map is updated throughout the day. Don't hesitate to adapt your strategy to win.
5. Power statistic
The power shown on the game card of the heroes is calculated according to the rarity score of the hero divided by 10. The power of the items in your inventory is shown on the item card. The faction that wins a battle is the faction that has the most cumulative power deployed on the territory. To avoid a too important imbalance, the power of legendary heroes is capped at 90.
6. Balancing
In order to guarantee a chance for everyone to win and balance the fights, a "Balancing Ratio" system is in place to better balance the forces involved. This balancing ratio is calculated according to the strongest faction, but it does not take into account the power of items, and is not applied to the power of items.
7. Earnings
Each territory allows you to earn JCORP tokens. Each hero placed on a winning territory allows to generate a gain of 1000 JCORP in the bank of his faction. At the end of a conquest the winnings of the faction bank are distributed to all participants proportionally to the number of heroes played. If 500 heroes are played, and 300 have won territories then the faction wins 300'000 JCORP which will be shared between the 500 heroes of the faction having participated. The players will then receive 600 JCORP / heroes played.
Rewards are available each day after a Battle Phase, and must be claimed in the Claim Panel.
8. Leaderboard
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