The Arena feature
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The Arena mode is a single player feature where players compete against each other one by one. This mode gives you the opportunity to play throughout the day to earn leaderboard points and therefore increase your chances of winning EGLD / $JCORP.
There are currently two game modes with the following rules:
Ranked Mode Rules
1) This mode is free.
2)You can fight with each of your heroes 2 times a day (reset at 00h00 UTC) called "warrior rest".
3) +2 points per win / -2 per loss for the current Leaderboard Season.
4) The winner of the fight is the warrior who has inflicted the most damage to his opponent.
5) The damage is calculated according to the warrior's power and a bonus related to his Hierarchy (see bonus below).
6) There will be a roll for each player to define the damage inflicted. (roll between the value of the total power and 100)
Hierarchy bonus : Warrior : no bonus power
Samurai : +5 bonus power
Daimyos : +10 bonus power
Shogun : Power is set to 70.00
Fight exemple :
Player 1 : Samurai with 30 power Versus J2: Daimyos with 40 power
Player 1 total 30+5 = 35 of power
Player 2 total 40+10 = 50 of power
A random draw is made between 35 and 100 for Player 1 VS random draw between 50 and 100 for Player 2
That way Player 2 has a slight avantage regarding his hierarchy and power (but can still lose against Player 1)
Challenger Mode Rules
1) The winner of the combat will earn 0.10 EGLD, while the loser will get nothing.
2)The registration require a Challenger Arena Pass to enter (available in the Marketplacen, can buy multiple to avoid multiple fees).
3)Each warrior has equally 50% chance to win.
4)Power or Hierarchy are not taking into account.